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Dr. Amandeep kaur BAMS
Ayurvedic Practitioner
at Healwellayurveda Calgary offers
Holistic Indian healing
Ayurveda is ancient Indian medical science which is 5000 years old . It is also known as Indian naturopathy having Ayurvedic herbal medicines and Panchkarma treatments.
Ayurveda is traditional Indian science based on three doshas in Human body
Vatta Bio Energy Symbolizes by Air
Pitta Bio Energy Symbolizes by Fire
Kapha Bio Energy Symbolizes by Water
The balance among these doshas bring harmony in body but imbalance starts disease in body.
In human body , one dosha always dominates other, in obese persons generally kapha dominates ,in thin persons Vatta dominates and people with digestive issues have pitta dominance.
The aim of Ayurvedic treatments is to bring back these doshas in balance from where the healing starts. Ayurveda is oldest traditional healing from vedic era to treat diseases.
It brings the balance among body , mind and spirit and cures the root cause.
For detailed information Call
Mob 403 399 6237
Land Line 403 475 6299
Email ayur.aman@outlook.com

Visit Us
Healwell Ayurveda & Panchkarma
Suit 208 - 4851 Westwinds Drive NE
Calgary-AB T3J 4L4
Call : 403 399 6237
Available Treatments
Ayurvedic Consultation
Panchkarma Treatments
Pizhichil Treatments
Udvartana Massage